Medium-term Management Plan

The Narasaki Sangyo Group has started the medium-term management plan “NS Creation 2026” with the fiscal year ending March 2027 as its final year.
Amid the substantial changes taking place in the business environment, we have positioned the period as “the three years to consolidate the foundation for creating the next generation of Narasaki toward the 130th anniversary of the Group’s foundation.” We aim for further leaps and growth as a “robust top niche solutions company.”
Demonstrating the comprehensive strength as “Team Narasaki,” we will provide solutions with real value, while placing complete compliance and the perfection of corporate governance as our most important tasks. We are building up our company group to be one that is trusted by all of our stakeholders and society.

Overview of medium-term management plan

Medium-term management plan Basic policy
*Three years to consolidate the foundation for creating the next generation of Narasaki toward the Group’s 130th anniversary
- Positioned as the three years to build a foundation for creating the next generation of Narasaki that is evolved toward the 130th anniversary of the Group’s foundation.
- Creating a Narasaki for a new era that is highly trusted and expected by stakeholders, with officers and employees who are full of energy and confidence to achieve sustained growth and further improvement in corporate value.

■Aim to further strengthen the business foundation and improve the quality for the next generation, based on our corporate philosophy of “Sincere work that is trusted by customers.”
■Appropriately respond to changes in the business environment, and seek to further improve profitability of existing businesses and create new fields and new businesses, while ensuring competitiveness and expanding the number one areas of our core businesses.
■Further deepen collaboration between segments, provide solutions with real value, and aim to become a top niche solutions company with close customer connections that is trusted and needed by customers.
Medium-term management plan Numerical management objectives

Please refer here for details of the medium-term management plan.